How to use Glycan Microarray DB
The Glycan Microarray DataBase (GlyMDB) is a database of glycan microarray data with a toolset for data visualization, glycan-binding motif discovery, crosslinking of glycan array data to PDB structures and glycan array sample comparision. Here we describe how to use GlyMDB and what the results mean in a step-by-step manner. You can either upload your microarray data in a spreadsheet file or search the microarray data in the database.
► Upload microarray spreadsheet file
► Select your spreadsheet file
Click the "Browse" button to locate your microarray spreadsheet file. If you have the protein sequence information, you can copy and paste it in the text box. Please use the FASTA format. With the protein sequence infromation available, we will try to match PDB files.
The uploaded spreadsheet file should contain at least three columns: Glycan Number, Glycan Structure and RFU (signal intensity), like the one shown in the following example. The glycan structure should be represented in the format of CFG (Consortium Functional Glycomics) text nomenclature.
► Select the microarray sample and criterion for binders / non-binders
We provide two options for the binders / non-binders criterion. For the first option, the z-score is calculated for each glycan,
where z-score = (RFU - mean(RFU)) / StDev(RFU). It is then converted to p-value. You can choose a threshold for the p-value (between 0 and 1). For the second option, the threshold is a certain percentage of the maximum RFU (between 0 and 100).
► View signal intensity, binders / non-binders and binding motifs
View binders and non-binders. The binders and non-binders are sorted by either glycan number or signal intensity. Click the "View Binders / Non-Binders" button and you can see the signal intensity as well as the text and symbol nomenclature of each glycan.
You can sort the list of binders / non-binders by glycan number or signal intensity.
► Match PDB files
Match PDB Files (if you have uploaded the protein sequence information). You can choose the sequence identity (between 0 and 100), and the minimum length of glycan ligands in the PDB files.
You can sort the list of PDB files by glycan ligand length, protein sequence identity or PDB resolution.
Click the "View Structure" buttom to see the structure of the PDB file.
► Compare two samples
Select two samples to be compared.
You can sort the list by glycan Id or singal intensity of either sample. Click the "View Glycan List" and you can see the glycan structures.
► Search database
► Search glycan microarray database by protein name, sequence or PDB Id
- Search by protein name.
We provide some autocomplete options, however, you do not need to limit your search to these options.
Please use double quotation marks for exact match.
For example, "DC-SIGN" search for protein names containing "DC-SIGN",
while DC-SIGN search for protein names containing "DC" and "SIGN".
Check the option "Microarray Sample with Protein Sequence information"
if you want to include only the microarray samples with protein sequence information available
in the search result.
- Search by protein sequence.
Copy and paste the protein sequence in the text box,
and select the threshold of sequence identity for protein sequence alignment.
Please use the FASTA format.
- Search by PDB Id.
Fill in the text box, and select the threshold of sequence identity for protein sequence alignment.
- Search by protein name.
We provide some autocomplete options, however, you do not need to limit your search to these options.
Please use double quotation marks for exact match.
For example, "DC-SIGN" search for protein names containing "DC-SIGN",
while DC-SIGN search for protein names containing "DC" and "SIGN".
Check the option "Microarray Sample with Protein Sequence information"
if you want to include only the microarray samples with protein sequence information available
in the search result.
► Select the microarray sample and criterion for binders / non-binders
The underlined samples have protein sequence information available. You can clickto view the microarray sample information. We provide two options for the binder / non-binder criterion. For the first option, the z-score is calculated for each glycan,
where z-score = (RFU - mean(RFU)) / StDev(RFU). It is then converted to p-value. You can choose a threshold for the p-value (between 0 and 1). For the second option, the threshold is a certain percentage of the maximum RFU (between 0 and 100).
► View signal intensity, binders / non-binders and binding motifs
View binders and non-binders. The binders and non-binders are sorted by either glycan number or signal intensity. Click the "View Binders / Non-Binders" button and you can see the signal intensity as well as the text and symbol nomenclature for each glycan.
You can sort the list of binders / non-binders by glycan number or signal intensity.
► Match PDB files
Match PDB Files (if you have uploaded the protein sequence information). You can choose the sequence identity (between 0 and 100), and the minimum length of glycan ligands in the PDB files.
You can sort the list of PDB files by glycan ligand length, protein sequence identity or PDB resolution.
Click the "View Structure" buttom to see the structure of the PDB file.
► Compare Two Samples
Select two samples to be compared.
You can sort the list by glycan Id or singal intensity of either sample. Click the "View Glycan List" and you can see the glycan structures.
Lehigh University / Department of Biological Sciences / Department of Bioengineering / Im Lab
Copyright (c) 2011-2021 by Im Lab